Welcome to our project timeline!
In an effort to offer further transparency throughout this project, please utilize this timeline to explore where we've been since the project started, including some preliminary work that was needed before the project officially began. Use the arrows on either side or the zoomed out timeline navigation below to navigate through the project and surrounding events. This timeline is best viewed on a desktop computer and will continue to be updated as the project progresses. As always, please feel free to submit questions through the "Questions?" tab available through this sites menu options.
Timeline Key:
Green Slides = Preliminary Work | Red Slides = Delays (Material Mostly)
Vaughn & Melton (V&M) - Engineering Firm - Design, Inspection, and Construction Administration
Summers & Taylor (S/T) - General Contractor
Greeneville Water Commission (GWC)
Portland Utilities and Franklin Underground - Subcontractors to GWC for utility work